King's Death Theme* (short discordant chord followed by a short sad piece, only on the Apple IIGS).Death Theme* (somewhat sinister music, with a slightly funny two note ending).Giant's Sleep Jingle* (a short theme of success when the giant falls asleep on Apple IIGS).Leprechaun's Theme* (A short snippet of the jig is played in the King's Throne room as his theme apparently.).Swallowtail Jig (replaces the fiddle music in the Apple IIGS version).Dragon's Theme* (Apple IIGS only, appears to be based on a classical piece of music, somewhat similar to Mordack's Island theme).Giant's Theme* (this is probably based on classic music piece, appears on Apple IIGS version).Danger Theme* (a completely different song replaces the version on the Apple IIGS version).Graham's Theme/Bowing to the King* (Short version of the Title Theme, in the Apple IIGS only, plays in place of the original Fanfare, this may suggest that the basic theme is Graham's theme in this version of the game).They are remixes of the same theme when you first talk to King Graham in King's Quest 3) A short version of it is played when Graham bows to the king. Opening Music/Graham's Theme* (Title/Credits theme and ending theme, this replaces the Greensleaves theme in Apple IIGS version in both title and credits and ending.King's Quest: Quest for the Crown (Apple IIGS)

Falling theme* (series of harsh descending notes).Death Music* (Chopin's Death March with a little bit of Pop Goes the Weasel).

Opening Music/Fanfare* (played a couple of times on loop on the original 1984 versions, and also when you open the castle doors in all versions, except Apple IIGS which uses a door swinging sound instead).2 King's Quest: Quest for the Crown (Apple IIGS).